• How does HRSO develop standards?

  • How does HRSO develop national standards?

HRSO’s standards are the product of a national consensus regarding the level of quality and specific requirements necessary to comply with all current normative references.

HRSO strives to create standards that are:

  • Dynamic

    maintained and updated regularly to complement rapidly-developing changes to research practices such as privacy and artificial intelligence innovations,

  • Comprehensive

    developed for all facets and types of human research, and

  • Testable

    unambiguous, translatable into procedures, and expressed in terms of performance in order to facilitate Canadian inspections and human research accreditation.

The development of HRSO’s standards is directed by specific Technical Committees, combining the efforts of research administrators, researchers, bioethicists, regulators, sponsors, policy makers, insurers, auditors, and research participants in the process. Feedback from the public is also integral to the development of HRSO’s standards.

Please contact us if you would like to be considered for membership on an HRSO Technical Committee.

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